couch potato

[ˈkaʊtʃ pəteɪtəʊ]
  • 释义
  • 花大量时间看电视的人,电视迷;美国人说整天看电视的人是“沙发土豆”;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The elder son is a bookworm while the younger one is a couch potato.


  • 2、

    She's such a couch potato.


  • 3、

    He was a couch potato.


  • 4、

    To describe them as couch potato is quite fitting.


  • 5、

    The boy was a couch potato. They used to fight over very trivial things.

    那个男孩是一个电视迷, 他们经常琐事吵架.

  • 6、

    He a couch potato. He just lies around, eating chips and watching TV all day long.

    他是个超级大懒鬼. 整天躺着, 只知道吃薯片,看电视.

  • 7、

    He is such a couch potato on weekends.


  • 8、

    You couch potato! Get up and exercise a little during commercials.


  • 9、

    Bob, you're a typical couch potato.

    鲍勃, 你真是个典型的懒家伙.

    ——超越目标英语 第1册
  • 10、

    The American couch potato becomes maybe even a part of the American tradition!


  • 11、

    But just how badly does the couch potato want to be liberated? And at what price?

    问题是,电视迷们在多大程度上需要他们来“解放”? 还有价格问题 呢 ?

  • 12、

    If there was a prize for the best couch potato, my husband would win it.

    如果有最佳电视迷大奖赛的话, 我丈夫肯定会获奖.

  • 13、

    You're nothing but a couch potato, Mike! Get off the sofa, will you?

    迈克, 你这个好吃懒做的家伙! 你给我从沙发上起来!

  • 14、

    Then you're a couch potato.


    ——超越目标英语 第3册
  • 15、

    Many American are couch potato these days.


  • 16、

    Jim spends a lot of time watching TV every day. He is a couch potato!

    吉姆每天都花很多时间看电视, 他就是个不爱动的懒虫!

  • 17、

    My father becomes a couch potato during football season.


  • 18、

    Did you think yourself as a thinking TV viewer , or just a mindless couch potato?

    你有没有想过自己是一位有在思考的电视观众, 还是心不在焉坐著都不动的人?

  • 19、

    Robert Armstrong , artist from California , developed the term couch potato in 1976.


  • 20、

    Do you know that you have been becoming a couch potato since we got cable TV?

    你知道自从我们装了有线电视以后,你已经成了一个整天赖在沙发上看电视的人了 吗 ?

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